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Location: Kötcse, The Secrets of Looking Retreat Centre

One of the biggest changes in my life was when I was able to step outside the boundaries of my body and matter and perceive myself and my environment as energy. In this opened state of consciousness, the dominance of matter and the limitations it creates are removed. The body is perceived as a set of energies freely flowing out into space and connected to the energies around us. From there it is just a step to connecting to a higher level of consciousness..


Image taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope of the gas formation of a star like our Sun, a star which disintegrated a long time ago

In the blog article below you can read a conversation with that energy, I call my Spiritual Guide.

Communication on Fears, Freedom and Habits

Many people long to find within themselves an inner compass that is always present and guiding the way. They long for an inner, deep connection, to step outside socially defined boundaries, to feel free and truly himself.


But how do we know what is truly our own path that will fulfill us and make us happy in the long run? Who will be the one to tell us?

And who will know it better than we do?


When we look inwards and look for a solution here, we often think our thinking, and use the familiar and already known paradigms and try to create something new.

But there is another kind of connection that has much more freedom because it is it is directed towards the greater whole of our being.


To create this connection, it is necessary to open ourselves to a broader worldview that goes beyond the material and three-dimensional existence. It is a small step really, but still the most difficult for many of us.

Our body, like the space around us is energy. If we can learn to open up our mental space, we can easily connect with to the energies flowing within and around us.

They are always present

because they are part of our larger Self without limitations.


The perception of subtle energies is easy to learn, but it takes practice to become a reliable source of information.

An even more advanced way of sensing is to connect to our cosmic or spiritual energy, the energy of the Soul.

This connection opens up the space of our earthly life,

and from there a much more a much broader perspective on things. 


It is in this broader perspective that our Higher Self

and the so-called Spiritual Guides manifest.

 These are energies just like anything else in our lives.

And because they are energies, they speak to us in the language of energies, not necessarily in words or phrases.


Connecting with them is endlessly effortless and joyful,

because it attunes us to the whole of our being.

In this way, this communication can not only serve as a compass for life

and help us in our decisions,

but also influence our belief system and self-confidence,

and even the health of our physical bodies.

As in all the Secrets of Looking courses, simplicity and a direct

and no-nonsense approach prevail..


The existence of a Higher Self and Spiritual Guides is not comprehensible to the rational mind (and thus unacceptable to many), as it is a category of which we have no concrete, physical evidence. However, very prominent scientists, researchers, thinkers, philosophers, healers and teachers around the world are writing about the significance of these connections in their lives and work. To name but a few, Barbara Ann Brennan, originally a researcher at NASA, energy healer Donna Eden, energy expert Jeffrey Allen, author Gary Zukav, psychiatrist Dr. Michael Newton, and many more. For me as a clairvoyant, the perception of these spiritual energies has become a 'tangible' reality in recent years. I rely on them both in my personal life and in my work, and I am infinitely grateful for them.


This is an advanced course for those who already have experience in energy perception. Prerequisite: the course 'Discover the energies of your body and mind!', or the  'Find and discover your energy!' course, or individual guidance work with me. If you have taken other energy training, a prior consultation is required!


- Sensing subtle energies in your body and space
- Opening and closing energy flow
- Chakra perception and psychic content in brief
- Sensing the aura: emotional space and volitional space
- What is Pure Consciousness and what is the Psychic Self
- The difference between thinking and intuition
- Turning off mental noise
- What is the Higher Self: The relationship between the Higher Self and the Soul
- Who are Spiritual Guides
- How to tune into spiritual energies
- How to connect with the Higher Self and Spiritual Guides through energies in the body, intuition, inner hearing, information in images
- Personal work: asking questions and getting answers
- Fantasy or reality: reliability of perception


When we learn something, we immediately expect to have perfectly usable tools at our fingertips. But connecting to spiritual energies doesn't work like that. It will always depend on our openness at all times. In this course you will learn to open yourself to spiritual energies in different ways. In the future, the more you practice connecting, the more effective and reliable a compass you will have for your life.


LOCATION: The Vision Secret Centre, 8627 Kötcse, Magyar utca 9.
Price: 45.000 HUF - of which 12,000 HUF deposit
Deposit: Your place is guaranteed if you have paid a deposit of HUF 12,000. 
Account number: 11773126 00338439 (Nagygyörgy Ágnes)

(You will receive an official invoice for the deposit and the balance later. I need your postal address for this. Please send this to me in an e-mail reply.)

DATE: 2023 June 10 -11..

DAY SCHEDULE: Saturday 10.00 - 19.00 

with short breaks and lunch:: +/- 12.30 - 13.30

Sunday: 9.00 - 17.00

ACCOMMODATION: On location. Depending on the number of applicants, 1 -2 -4 bedded rooms.

The price for one bed: 12.000 Ft, two beds 8.000 Ft/person, four beds: 5.000/person

Accommodation is paid on the spot.

FOOD: You bring your own, or we cook together with ingredients I buy in advance.

Tea, coffee on the spot - free.

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